There are 2 main types of lithium batteries:
(1) Lithium-Ion Batteries are rechargeable.
Lithium-Ion batteries are used in everyday appliances such as mobile phones, cameras, and laptops. As these are rechargeable in nature, there will always remain a large residual amount of Lithium contained within the battery. This can be dangerous as inappropriate disposal can result in a fire hazard. Therefore, products containing Lithium-Ion batteries MUST be disposed of or recycled according to strict local disposal guidelines.
(2) Lithium-Metal Batteries are non-rechargeable but are safer during disposal.
Lithium-Metal batteries are usually found in medical devices like KLARO™, pacemakers and other implantable electronic devices. Lithium-metal is the preferred source of power for these devices as the battery is longer lasting which is vital for critical medical devices, such as pacemakers and hearing aids.
Since such batteries cannot be recharged, they contain little to no residual Lithium once the battery is fully drained. This will eliminate the risk of the battery becoming a fire hazard during disposal. Hence, KLARO™ can be safely and simply disposed of as non-hazardous waste in a medical waste bin.
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1. United States Department of Energy. Alternative Fuels Data Center. Batteries for Hybrid and Plug-In Electric Vehicles. Available at:
2. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Used Lithium-Ion Batteries. Available at:
3. Amar AB, Kouki AB, Cao H. Power Approaches for Implantable Medical Devices. Sensors. 2015; 15(11):28889-28914.